Formed collections of cedar pines in SibSTU

Matveeva R.N., Butorova O.F.

Siberian State Technological University (Krasnojarsk)


For the decision of a ecological equilibrium problem of biosphere preservation more and more obvious there is a necessity of preservation wood genetic resources. Studying and preservation of a shaped variety is one of the most urgent problems. The genetic estimation of populations, allocation of the best forms, biotypes, creation a of vegetative posterity plus and elite trees collection gives the chance to put in pawn archival cultures which can be used further in quality parent plants (Rutkovsky, Prokasin, 1998).

In SibSTU in a green zone of Krasnoyarsk skilled a cedar Siberian (Pinus sibirica Du Tour) plantations by posterity of different ecotypes are created; archival cultures with use halfsibs and the imparted saplings from plus the trees growing in territory of Irkutsk, Novosibirsk areas, the Republic Altai, selected on seed and trunk efficiency; a plantation with use a shank landing material from selected plants 5-15- year-old; seedlings, selection by quantity (7-12 pieces), the form (straight lines etc.), length (long, short) a cotyledon; to quantity of kidneys (1-3 pieces); to height, diameter trunk in 1-3- year-old.

The collection includes seed posterity of a cedar Siberian of Buryatiya (the Buryat origin), Kazakhstan (leninogorskoe), Òûâû (tyvinskoe), Khakassias (abasinskoe, askizkoe, sonskoe, tashtipskoe), Yakutia (jakytskoe), Republics Altais (Atyshken, Iogach, Kurli, Tushtuezen, Komi (komi), Kemerovo (tisylskoe), Irkutsk (sludjanskoe, cheremhovskoe), Sverdlovsk (sverdlovskoe), Tomsk (bogashovskoe, tomskoe), Tyumen (vagaiskoe, tobolskoe, tyumenskoe, hanty-mansijskoe), Chita (krasnochikoiskoe) areas, Krasnoyarsk region (biryusinskoe, bolshemurtinskoe, birilyuskoe, divnogorskoe, ermakovskoe, kazachinskoe, kemchygskoe, kozulskoe, maganskoe, severoeniseiskoe, tanzibeiskoe, ydereiskoe, shymihinskoe, sajano-shushuenskoe, jarcevskoe), a cedar Korean from Seaside and Khabarovsk edges.

On skilled sites fast-growing, high-yielding trees by quantity, the sizes, cones mass, and also on a complex of signs are allocated. Selected early ñroping, largecones, clusterscones, the raised productivity are allocated.

The seed posterity of a different geographical origin has entered a reproductive stage in 19-20-year-old biological age, having formed on 1-2 cones or makrostrobili. The imparted copies have started to ñroping at younger age and in 20 years on trees has been generated to 165 pieces of cones.

Note. Abstracts are published in author's edition